Saturday, May 28, 2011

Helplessness Blues

Dear ...................

You will probably never read this because you probably do not keep up with this blog that I have. But who knows maybe I will have the courage to tell you that this letter to you does exist. Anyways I have the chance to tell you this but as of now I really do not think it will matter. Today you are starting a new life; a new start that you have been longing for quite some time. Throughout the last few years, I've watched you struggle, fall down, and pick yourself up again. And many times did you repeat this cycle due to wrong choices you made or other people, including myself, that have hurt you. Whether you believe me or not, my instincts and wants have always been to help you, but unfortunately I could not due to times I was not in your life, times that you did not want me to help, and other times I did not want anything to do with you (due to my stubborness).  I loved you and you were my best friend and all that was taken away through the many rough times I've had with you. When we finally did make up, it took many months to rebuild and for me to accept the fact that you did not need me as support anymore. We did some things that would not be classified as "okay" to others, and that only dug the hole deeper that we were trying to get out of. We have been through so much and regardless of everything, I still stand by you. The last two-three months have been the best we've had so far. We have finally come to a steady point of our friendship and I could not ask for anything more. Those "one-on-one" moments we had really showed me what I want in life. I want to be happy and as of now I do not know what the steps are to get to that place again, but I know I do and will get there. And for your case, I know you will be happy too with the future that awaits you. I cannot explain how proud and happy I am for you. Even though things may not work out the way we planned, I will be happy as long as you are happy. And when you leave, if we do become distant, I hope you know that I am always here for you and would do anything for you. It's time for me to say goodbye to what we use to be and accept that we most likely will never be that away again. I cannot predict the future, nor should I even try, but you never know what the future holds for us.You need to begin your new life and associate with new people. And if I have a part in your new life then that is great, but if I don't, I know you did not do it out of spite. Thank you for everything you have done for me and I wish you the best luck. You will always have a special place in my heart. 

Love (forever and always),


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